man covers his eyes with a medical mask

Can I See Your Face?

Stop Swiping. Get Scouted.

Can you see your face? Can you see, what you look like, what you’re doing?

If not, then take it out. Just take it out. If you have pictures that have bad lighting, just take them out. We want to see you. This is all about being able to see you. So you gotta look and see, what, where shadows. A lot of guys wear hats and you can’t see your face.

So it has a shadow. So you want to make sure you get good lighting and good lighting is not 12 o’clock or even at this clock. Okay. You want to do this clock? So if it’s right over your head, don’t take a picture. Don’t use that picture unless you have some light coming straight at you, right?

So you want to do the lighting like about this right here. The sun is over here. Okay. Morning early or later in the afternoon. That’s the best lighting. Okay. So bad lighting. So just go look through your pictures and then can you see your face? Can you really see, you know what you look like, what you’re doing?

If not, then take it out. Just take it out.

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