Expanding Your Options

Expanding Your Options

Stop Swiping. Get Scouted.

They think that these women have a million options, which, you know, a lot of times they do, but they never stop and go, wait a minute. I have all these same options.

I think it feels harder because guys just have this really ingrained notion now that they believe that woman always has 50 other guys in thier phones. So they think, how do I stand out? How do I differentiate myself? They wind up going overboard. Probably doing things like, Oh, maybe if I contact her more or I have to always come up with something witty to say.

Sometimes I read my clients messages and I’m like, this is so “try hard”. You’re just trying way too hard with your joke, you don’t have to do that. On one hand guys are like, there’s no women available or, and they believe that because they go on dating apps or Instagram or Facebook, and they think that these women have a million options, which a lot of times they do.

A lot of times women do, but they never stop and go, wait a minute… I have all the same options. I can get on these sites. I can learn them instead of going on Tinder for 10 minutes and going, I didn’t get any matches. Tinder sucks. They can go, what do I have to do to get better at that? How do I actually improve my online game? It’s really never been easier. The other thing that’s kind of changed is that.

In the past it was either, I’m on online dating or I meet people in the real world. Right now, it’s really kind of blurred because even if you meet somebody in the real world, the majority of your conversation with them occurs through texts through snap chats, Instagram messages. So you really have to kind of blend these things together.

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