Setting Expectations in Dating

Communicating Expectations

Stop Swiping. Get Scouted.

What would you say to women, what should they expect from a guy when they’re talking to somebody new?

Obviously there’s some kind of reciprocity there. You messaged first. They messaged back. We have to empower ourselves to communicate if there are expectations. So if you really want the guy to pick out the place or whatever, you can set that tone.

If they ask, Oh, where do you want to go? Oh, I’d love it if you chose. Like, you know, I like trying new things, like go for it. You know, if that’s what you expect. Then they will make a mental note. Oh, okay. She likes when I kind of take charge and then I’m going to do that

Dating FOMO

The idea of FOMO, I think existed obviously, years before, but it’s been heightened a lot since the internet, because now you see it in

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Single with Kids

Single with Kids

Alisa Purifico: Nice to meet you. Member: Likewise, thank you for taking this time out. Alisa Purifico: Oh my gosh. Of course. Are those your

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The Boobie Show-Off

Men, don’t want to be dating high-maintenance women? Avoid dating profiles with provocative images. Some dating profile photos are more likely to attract the wrong

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The Geek Whisperer

Welcome to Janet More’s Magnetic Online Dating Profile Reboot program! If you’re like most single men, you’ve probably had your fair share of frustrations when

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