Dating Over 40

Dating Over 40

Stop Swiping. Get Scouted.

Tonight we’re talking about dating over 40. Because it seems to get tougher. The older we get and, for those of us who are in our twenties and thirties, there are some places to meet people, but, once you’re in that “middle-aged” area. It becomes extremely difficult. Not just to make new friends, but meet new people in general.

And the reason for this is because of our same rotations every day. So you are in the right place.

If you are. An over 40 and single, B if you’re frustrated with all of your dating attempts, who isn’t a C, if you’re looking for a grown-up solution to dating, and again, if you’re here and you’re like loving dating, or you’re like a young thing, and you’re enjoying your life.

Rock on this just might not be the episode for you. But my people who are watching tonight, you guys are like not excited to get on dates. You don’t know where to start. You feel embarrassed every time you pick up your phone, every time you open a dating site, every time you open an app, you get embarrassed every time to ask your friends.

Aunt’s cousin who they know, it just becomes something you never thought you’d have to do. And now that you here and you’re doing it , let’s make it sexy. Yeah. Let’s make it fun. Let’s make it enjoyable because good grief. It is your dating life. It’s not learning. Geometry.

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