If you’re going to be on this planet for another 10 years, you better embrace the fact that technology is going to be the new way you’re doing literally everything.
I don’t think people who date on the internet are really, I don’t think they’re proud representatives of the dating of the internet world and they need to be, because here’s the thing, I talked to you all day and all day you tell me. I never thought I would be somebody that had to date on the internet.
I was trying to avoid dating on the internet. I just thought I could meet someone. Guys, big reality check for you. We’re not going backward. The Internet’s only going to get bigger and more complex and smarter and more dynamic. So if you don’t really start to understand, if you’re going to be on this planet for another 10 years, you better embrace the fact that technology is going to be the new way you’re doing literally everything.
And even when everybody’s back to the same old. Companies are going to stick to digital practices that they learned during this time, in regular times. We’re going to be more digital than we ever were before. It’s just pushing it forward. So that being said, do you want to be on the missing out end on that?
Or do you want to really understand how these tools work and how you can position yourself at a better place to meet better people? So just food for thought there. So if you have dated on the internet and you’ve had success speak up, why please let us know. And if you think if it’s harder right now, then also speak up and let us know why please post in the comments so we can talk a little about that.