My name is Arlene Washburn and I am a Master Executive Certified Matchmaker, and I’m a Science-based Dating and Relationship Coach.
I focus on the science of love and relationships, which is a differentiator from most coaches. In fact, many people have been hooked up to machinery to see how the brain reacts to love and relationships… and that’s where I focus my data.
I’m also a married woman, so I not only talk the talk, I walk the walk.
Who Are Your Clients?
Our clients are Elite Professionals, C-Suite, Celebrity type clients who really want to outsource their love life. We spend a fair amount of time learning about their wants and needs and even help them to formulate that. And then we seek out those people that would be ideal matches.
A good percentage of our clients are 50 plus which is a highly underserved population. And these folks are, looking for love, and they need support and they need help. Because most of them are coming out of long-term relationships.
Success Stories
One of my most successful stories is of a woman that came into my database as a free member, and then we did some coaching.
She’s a New York Times Bestselling Author, a Functional Medicine Doctor, and I put her together with this gentleman who is also a Ph.D. from the pharmaceutical industry and she agreed, she went on the date and he was smitten. And thank God I was coaching her because she was not going to go on that second date.
And so I got her out of her own way and in nine months they got engaged. She got married for the first time at the age of Sixty! They travel around the world. They have a place in Florida, they have a place in New Jersey. They have this amazing life that would not have happened had she continued in her own way. It’s a very fulfilling thing.
Why Focus on Coaching before Matchmaking?
Singles can sometimes be a bit set in their ways and are very quick to judge a situation without allowing it to develop. So, when I’m working with singles, coaching is mandatory. If someone is not coachable, I cannot take them on as a client because there’s a reason why you’re single. And part of my job is to help you holistically achieve your relationship goals. And that requires coaching many times because most people haven’t gone to relationship school.
My big takeaway was to create content and education for singles who really don’t understand how that stuff works. And that’s why that’s the big focus of my business. One of the things that I have is a membership site and there is a free version to it. I encourage people to do that because I love to educate. And so there’s a lot of free content available.
And then if people want to join my membership site I have a four-part series in there about what they need to know before they hire a matchmaker. I tell them about the differences in the types of services, the price points, all of that.
Then we can be more fruitful in our Discovery Call because they’ve already gone through this content and understand what’s involved.
I want the world to be happy and be loved. The best way to reach me is on social media. I’m available on all platforms as @ArleneWashburn.