Concept - Computer Keyboard with red key that says SCAM ALERT, online dangers

Exposing Fake Profiles

Stop Swiping. Get Scouted.

Alisa Purifico: Hi, how are you girl? You’ve got to update Muah, go!

Member: I’m talking to one young fellow who is in business for himself. He sells mineral stones and he trades it for gold. Which is really interesting. I mean, I looked it up. It’s like Oh. And he sent me two dozen flowers a couple of days ago, along with, HelloFresh, and an $80 gift certificate.

Member: He’s really good to talk to and he really treats me like a queen.

Alisa Purifico: I’m just watching your energy right now, honey. And you like this guy and I can see it and feel it. And I know you’re nervous cause he’s in Cali. That’s what I can tell. I get it.

Member: He is in Cali and he has his late meetings. He has his friend, Alan that he meets a lot with and Alan gives him referrals.

Member: So. You know, I try to do a look-up a search because I am always curious about searches. I mean, my girlfriend, a while back, she did a search and she couldn’t believe the stuff that this background of this young man. She said and I couldn’t find anything on him. I found nothing on him. So, I don’t know. I don’t know. I pray a lot, and I ask God, I say, God, please close the doors for me.

Member: If they’re not for me because I tell you the games and just the talk and this stuff that goes on. You know, as far as gaming, I have been really kind of, listen! And I have to listen because of the games that are out there.

Alisa Purifico: You’re right. It is easy for a guy to wine and dine, wine and dine you virtually across state lines.

Alisa Purifico: Like that is easy breezy, lemon squeezy.

Member: Sure is!

Alisa Purifico: Are there other flags about him or things other than the fact that he’s in California, that you find unattractive, or is that really the main bottleneck?

Member: Well, I haven’t met him face to face, face to face says a lot. You know, you can talk on the phone.

Alisa Purifico: Have you done this? i.e. Zoom?

Member: I hate doing zoom. I don’t like that. And I hate, I hate, I hate myself on camera.

Alisa Purifico: Girl, I’ll help you with that! But that’s an easy fix though. Cause here’s a couple of things. One, there’s a beauty filter that most women don’t know about and I will send you the. Article and you just, you just turn it on and it gives you a little zhoosh!

Member: Hm. I can move. I can move forward with that though. I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

Alisa Purifico: Okay. So I think the first question we ask ourselves is this guy, really somebody that is hitting you in the right way? Like if he weren’t in California right now, that’s the only block would you consider him?

Alisa Purifico: If that’s the case, then initiate a video chat if you’ve already written him off because he’s too far and you’re just not into it. That’s okay to just let him know that. But just ask yourself that question, like, what do you want? Like, do you want to explore and see how it goes? , because here’s the good thing.

Alisa Purifico: That’s what we do is vet people when we vet daters because people need help figuring out how real people are.

Member: That’s a wonderful thing. I don’t think a lot of social sites like this do that.

Alisa Purifico: Nobody does. We run background. We run date checks on all of your dates. So that way, whoever you decide to engage with you can feel confident about, you know, more information.

Member: That’s awesome. I’m impressed. Yes, it is important. And it gives me a lot of relief to know who I’m talking to.

Alisa Purifico: You have any questions you just reach out? Let me know, book a time with me, we got you.

Member: I can’t wait. I can’t wait.

Alisa Purifico: Hey, you guys, Alisa here. I wanted to come back and give you an update because these things are, they’re kind of nuts how they are inevitable.

Alisa Purifico: We ran a dater background check, not only one but two guys that charming, mysterious California guy. And actually you guys, I’m just going to share with my screen and I’ll check it out. I’m going to show you. All right. So is he down here? This guy, this is the photo, that he was sending her that, you know, look how cute he is.

Alisa Purifico: He said he was in the States that these are his dogs. And after we ran the check, , just take a look right up here, this is just one of the photos of him, but we ran the full check of the full report. I turned out to be a celebrity reporter in Brazil. His name is Donny De Nuccio. Very handsome, no doubt.

Alisa Purifico: but, but not, not our man, because. I don’t think Donnie is available and he’s very much in Brazil. The moral of the story is you guys a quick check and boom, boom. Later we busted these guys. We figured out who they were and now she doesn’t have to spend any more time dreaming about what life might be like with these two guys because they’re not real.

Alisa Purifico: And so she can actually move on and go start talking to real guys who are, who they say they are. Even if you haven’t been scammed on a dating site yet. I hope you never do be smart. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. I can’t wait to meet you and see you in the group. All right.

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