The Deeper Why

The Deeper Why

Stop Swiping. Get Scouted.

Why are you doing that?

Because you really want the person to like you? Or are you doing it because it aligns with your values?

I think the bigger question to ask yourself, in if what you’re doing or saying is right, is going underneath that to the why.

So an example of that with a client that I had, she had her things that she was looking for, but then she seemed to always compromise them. And then when we went to the deeper why, we found something that’s important to her is having financial stability, but then she keeps dating guys that have no ambition, no job or whatever.

And that underneath is her why. Which was that she feels like she’s asking for too much, friends were saying, Oh, you’re too picky or whatever.

That was actually not the right thing. So you have to go beneath the, why are you doing that? Because you really want the person to like you? Or are you doing it because it aligns with your values?

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